> I am curious what type of pic will win the current round. With so many
> available to texture and create landscapes, I believe that many entries
> be very *complete* looking, if not very artistic.
True, there are lots of apps, and we can expect some nice Vue, Bryce and
Terragen/Forrester/POV-Ray images but to create realistic landscapes (as
more or less required by the current topic) is still possibly one of the
most challenging tasks in 3D. In POV-Ray, at least, I find it quite
difficult. Just take your average classic landscape painting and try to
mimic that (I'm not saying that's what people should do of course, I hope to
see some original stuff). Everything is challenging there : the lighting,
the sky, the clouds, the vegetation, the ground definition and textures etc.
Trying to find the right green for a grass cover, for instance... And
furthermore we're much less tolerant to error there. Indoors scenes and
man-made landscapes are much easier to do!
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
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